To create a chalkboard for you we need to know several key things. How wide will the sign be? What is the chalkboard height? Next we need to know the amount of design content. 25%, 50%, 75% or full coverage at 100%. Pricing custom chalkboards is done this way.
Is there just a logo? Do you want a simple line border? A fancy border of coffee cups or mexican tiles? Are areas going to be left blank for adding special of the day items? Because our text on full color chalkboards has layers and shading it takes as much time to create as hand drawn images. Design coverage includes white or blank space left to make the content easier to read.
Pricing Custom Chalkboards is easy when we know size and content.
Because we have been creating hand drawn chalkboard signage for 17 years and counting we can give you exactly what you want. We know what works best and this translates into more business for you.
So contact Chalk It Up Signs today to get pricing on your custom chalkboard needs.
From everyone at Chalk It Up Signs… Happy New Years!