Greetings everyone and best wishes as we slide into high gear for the holidays!  We are busy, chalky elves here in the studio and we just completed a 12 feet by 7 feet playroom chalkboard mural for a beautiful condo development in Florida.   Chalkboards are a great addition to any child’s room or playrooms in general.  A CIUS playroom chalkboard mural can reflect any theme and work with any colour scheme.  They work great in these public settings as shown below, but are perfectly wonderful in private homes as well.  It is a unique opportunity for your child to draw and colour on the walls!

The Bond On Brickell is a luxury condo development slated to open up in Miami in April and here is the concept of the playroom they sent us to work with.  The development is “Bond” themed since the street the condo sits on is Bond.


We used playful, London-themed illustrations at the top with lots of room for the children to colour and write at the bottom.  We included our versions of iconic London images and characters –  Mary Poppins, a double decker bus, the London Bridge, the London Eye, Big Ben, a London phone booth and lots of cute kids.  My favourite is the red head in the phone booth.

bond-on-brickell-groupChalk It Up Signs can create the perfect playroom chalkboard mural for you too!  And here’s a tip, chalkboards aren’t just for kid’s playrooms anymore!  Adults LOVE colouring and drawing and leaving their mark.  Consider a chalkboard mural that has space for anyone in your home or office to draw on.

It’s back to the drawing board for us here at CIUS!

Until next time,

Mel and the gang