Montreal cityscape, chalkboard, muralThis Montreal CityScape Chalkboard Mural was created for M and M Meats.  It  will grace the wall of their Montreal location. This hand drawn chalkboard mural was created on a chalkboard 48″ wide by 36″. The size was chosen so that it could be easily scanned into a high resolution file. A sketch of the design was created for final approval before hand drawing began. Once drawn and approved the art was sealed and sent to the scanner. The large image file was sent to the customer to be printed.

The final Montreal CityScape Chalkboard Mural will be much larger. It will be blown up to fit on a large wall in a Montreal location of M and M Meats. It will leave a good memory beyond the food being bought and customers will come back to see it. Wall art makes a difference.

Montreal CityScape Chalkboard attracts customers and keeps them coming back

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