Hi there everybody! Spring is springing and we are hopping busy in the studio right now.  Here is another great chalkboard to share with you…this Massachusetts Ice Cream Chalkboard was so much fun to create. It’s hard not to notice the bright red frame which screams ICE CREAM! The Pizzi Farm in Waltham, MA ordered this deliciously flavored ice cream chalkboard to accompany the other signs at their market, deli and ice cream shoppe.

Massachusetts Ice Cream Chalkboard, chalk it up signs, red frameThe Massachusetts Ice Cream Chalkboard has yummy chalk detail that makes you think, “I need an ice cream”. With  34+ flavors it could be hard to decide! Here is a blow up of the layering and shading tecqniue we use to produce our chalk art.

Massachusetts Ice Cream Chalkboard, chalk it up signs, red frame,







Massachusetts Ice Cream ChalkboardThis is the original Massachusetts Ice Cream Chalkboard that Rick Pizzi asked us to replace. The old sign worked hard for many years but there comes a time when an old friend needs to be retired. Whether you are opening a new business or updating your current signage, Chalk It Up Signs works hard to create the sign you need by using a talented team of artists, framers and design/layout professionals.

Contact us today for an estimate on a custom made, hand drawn chalkboard sign from Chalk It Up Signs!

Until then,

the CIUS team