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Logo promotional chalkboards  get you and your product noticed!  Our illustrators give your logo the full textured chalk art treatment that Chalk It Up Signs is known for world-wide.

Are you attending an industry trade show or special event  and want to place your product front and center?  Our customers report that their logo promotional chalkboards draws a lot of notice from booth attendees!  You can go with a lush, full-colour chalkboard or a traditional black and white, hand-lettered typography style chalkboard to make your statement.  

All of our logo promotional chalkboards are available as A-frames/Sidewalk/Free-standing or table top chalkboard signs.

Check out our promotional chalkboards portfolio for more examples of great chalkboard logo and promotional signs.

Here is a great example of a logo promotional chalkboards sign created for one of the great local breweries in our area, Central City Brewingfor a trade show event.  We are partial to red heads around this studio.

Red Racer Brewery Chalkboard Sign,Logo promotional chalkboards, chalk art, chalk mural, chalk artists, custom chalk art, pub, restaurant, cafe, tavern, chalk beer sign, brewery signage, Vancover, BC, british Columbia, Vancouver Island, Alberta, Ontario ,Canada, US, USA, North America, Girl on Bike, red bike, red head

One of 12 “Beer Boards” created for a tasting evening of Micro Brews.

Please contact us at CIUS today for information on how my awesome team and I can create a chalkboard sign that works for you and your business.

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