Chavela Vargas and Tears In My Chalk

Howdy friends.

I have been remiss lately.  Not only have I not been posting our musical selections to chalk to, but I haven’t even been listening to music while I worked lately.  Big projects, fast approaching deadlines, many summer visitors from Texas and back to school for my grade one girl last week…whew!  But really, are any of those excuses enough to justify my shameful lack of work music?  I don’t think so.  I hang my head in shame.

Claire brought her dog, Chave, over today.  Chave is short for Chavela.  Chavela is a sweet girlie from Mexico named for renowned singer Chavela Vargas .  To atone for my sins, I have been playing Sra. Vargas very loudly…while she sings with a mariachi band.   I just love the audience passion and the great whistling. My dad could whistle like that.

If you can listen, turn her up.  Volver, Volver

Chavela Vargas died last month, but man oh man, I think her voice is still echoing into the here and now.

Add mariachi bands to the list of things I miss about Texas.  I can never listen to a mariachi band without crying.  Hopefully, I can wipe my tears up off these chalk art boards for Elmo’s Diner without ruining too much of the work. Just kidding Elmo. sniff.

Hasta luego,
