Do you need a chalkboard store sign? Here is one of our latest projects for a local farm. Somerset Meats is a family owned and operated farm. They raise and sell meat and eggs. This sign hangs on the wall at the farm store on the actual farm.  Then needed signage to help direct traffic through the farm to the actual retail store site.

This sign is 72″ by 24″ and easily readable from the farm road.  The shaded white font makes it particularly easily legible.

A spar varnish is applied to protect the fir frame. Learn more about our framing options here.

A chalkboard store sign is a great way to let your customers know where you are.  It’s different, memorable, artful and we can seal the lettering to last outdoors.

At Chalk It Up Signs, we work with many owner/operator businesses.  We understand that your business can be deeply personal.  We understand family legacy.  A chalkboard store sign is a great, affordable and meaningful  way to mark your place.  Do you have a deli, a hair salon, a restaurant? There are so many ways that families start up businesses and work together. Chalkboard signs from CIUS are great for any of these possibilities.

meat store chalkboard, chalkboard store sign, deli chalkboard, chalk it up signs, farm sign, farm, meat store, locally raised meat