Guy Fieris tattoo Jack Daniel’s and Chalk Art
Hi friends,
Heartland Brewery in NYC hired us to do two exciting, BIG chalk art signs. They were both for a new little diner in Times Square called Guy’s American Kitchen and Bar. The owner is Guy Fieri who has received some notoriety on a small, obscure channel on your television called the Food Network.
One sign was a thoughtful gift for Guy from Heartland’s owner, Jon Bloostein (Nice guy for a New Yorker). The image is of a tattoo on Guy’s arm of his sister, Morgan, who passed away in 2011. It’s a 4′ by 6′ replica of the tattoo. It’s an honour to capture an image in chalk art that has emotional ties and we hope we did that for Guy and his family.
The other sign is a great vintage label from that southern staple, Jack Daniel’s. It is also a 4′ by 6′ chalk art sign on display by a bar in Guy’s place. Those old labels are so classy. I love them.

This sign is in Times Square at Guy Fieri’s Restaurant

This sign is in Times Square at “Guy’s American Kitchen and Bar”. This is a chalk art version of the tattoo on Guy Fieri’s left arm.
Click here to see these great chalk art signs in situ in NYC. You will have to scroll down a few pics, but enjoy the tour.
These chalk art signs shipped all the way across the continent. If you have a venue that needs the perfect piece of fun, funk-tional chalk art – let us know!
Until next time,
Melanie and the gang at CIUS