Hi everyone!  This chalk mural artists blog is all about size and location. CIUS chalk mural artists often create large  chalk murals as well as our chalkboard signs. Some murals get chalked in the studio for a variety of applications: a children’s playroom in Florida, a kayak rental business in Pittsburgh, a tavern in New York state to name a few. Chalk mural artists can go to your location and chalk live in person as we did recently for this Dallas conference mural or this ocean scene in a BC restaurant.

live chalkboard mural artists,chalk mural artists, dallas, budweiser, nba

16 feet x 4 feet

live chalkboard mural artists, chalk mural artists, dallas, budweiser, nba

20 feet x 3 feet








In addition to creating great, large chalkboard murals in our studio that we can ship to you, Chalk It Up Signs also provides chalk mural artists on-site to create unique, beautiful, hand crafted custom chalkboards at your event or in your venue. The Budweiser 2016 SAMCOM had CIUS join them in Dallas, Texas to create a 16 foot long NBA logo chalkboard mural on-site. It was a great opportunity for the attendees to make memory photos of the conference as well as a chance for organizers of the event to present a different type of attraction to their attendees.

chalk mural artists, dallas, budweiser, nba,Busweiser NBA chalkboard mural

CIUS chalk mural artists are professional, fun and good at what we do.  We love talking with people while we work and we work hard to create a chalkboard mural that is memorable for you and your event.  Contact us today to get more information and an estimate for on-site, live chalkboard mural artists from Chalk It Up Signs.  We will send our Chalk Chicks to your location and we will create a memorable chalkboard mural your attendees will love.

children's playroom chalkboard, chalk mural artists, miami, London, England

12 feet x 7.5 feet