Our chalk blackboard is ideal for restaurant menus. Pricing is left unsealed and cvan be changed as often as you want. Beautiful images atract your customer to the chalkboard sign. Great design makes the restaurant meny easy to read. The sign below is from Moochies Soup and Sandwich Shop in Georgia.

We know the human eye prefers to rest on something elegant yet imperfect. It’s almost impossible to hand draw a perfect circle. You can do it digitally, but where’s the fun in that? Your brain quickly understands the time and effort that goes into hand drawn art. Then, your brain makes the judgement that handdrawn is good.
At Chalk It Up Signs, our chalk board artists professionally create hand-drawn chalkboard signage, menus, chalk art and chalkboard murals that is dramatically textured and lush. Our professional chalk art creates a warm, easy atmosphere in any establishment and is great for all kinds of special events. Every chalkboard is custom made to your specification and can be installed on walls, as table top displays or as A-frame, sidewalk, freestanding chalkboard signage or menus.
A Chalk Blackboard wins customers!
The Black Board – Each chalkboard mural, menu or sign from Chalk It Up Signs is custom-cut from lightweight, durable sign substrate for a clean, professional presentation. Our chalk board signs are completely re-writable using traditional chalk or water based chalk ink markers. A Chalk It Up Signs chalk board looks great for years and years.
It is so easy to order your own chalkboard food sign from us. Simply go to our contact us page and fill our the request form. You provide dimensions, numbers of signs you need and type of content and Dave will get an estimate to you asap!