Howdy folks! What an exciting time we have had here at CIUS this month! So many great projects rolling in and out the studio doors and into great venues and businesses. I will catch you up on some of those later, but right now, I want to highlight a Budweiser NBA live chalkboard mural we just did in Dallas, Texas last week.
The great team at Sparks invited us to work live, on-site at the January 2016 Budweiser SAMCOM Convention at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Downtown Dallas. We were thrilled to chalk up all the NBA team logos that Budweiser currently sponsors (I hear more are on the way) on a massive 16 feet by 4 feet chalkboard mural. It was great fun for the thousands of Budweiser Distributors who attended and it was great fun for us! We would like to thank Ally and Tina with Sparks and John and Lauren with Budweiser for including us on their convention team roster. We would also like to thank Lee and all the other great, hard working guys on site that made the chalkboard mural for us to work on – This Bud’s for you guys! I would be remiss if I did not raise a cold, frosty beer to my sister and chalk girl on the spot, Michelle Whiteley. Cheers to you dear! She and I might have enjoyed a few ice cold Budweisers together after work. Oh, and my mom…thank you Mom! (Always thank your mom.)
Chalk It Up Signs creates chalkboard murals live for any occasion in any size but I must say that bigger is better when it comes to making an impact at a live event such as the chalkboard mural we just did for Budweiser and the NBA. Well, and we were in Texas and everything is bigger in Texas. We are going to post a video of our experience soon. In the meantime, here are a few photos to share of the BIG fun that was had by all. Contact us for more information about getting a Chalk It Up Signs artist at your event. Our motto is “Have chalk…will travel!”. Okay, that is really only one of our mottos. We make them up all the time, but we do love working for clients on site and your attendees will love watching us chalk it up!
Many thanks,
Melanie and the Roving CIUS Team

Chalk Chick #1 at work!

Hand chalked Budweiser Logo

Well deserved beer at the end of the project with the Budweiser Clydesdales!