The Chalk It Up Signs team loves to sail and we are closely following  Team Elsie Piddock and the R2AK.  The Race to Alaska is a knuckle-biting sailing race in our own Salish Sea backyard and with only 2 days in, Team Elsie Piddock looks like they have the race signed sealed and delivered.  At Chalk It Up Signs, we do the same for your chalkboards!

Our chalkboard sign framer and shipper, (me) Sweet Davey T, was a crazy-fast windsurfer in another life and is reliving his glory days by obessively following the race using the R2AK trackersimilar to how we we track your signs when we ship them to all parts of the USA (including Alaska) and Canada.

What these sailors are accomplishing this week is insane. The following is quoted directly from the June 8th Race to Alaska blog:

“The biggest R2AK success: for a few hours Team Elsie Piddock cornered the market on the worldwide supply of open-mouthed wonderment and genuine excitement. Even as we type, these guys are kicking “known truths” in the teeth – in a single afternoon they made a toothless liar of anyone who said you couldn’t sail against Seymour Narrows, and several of our own “fastest case predictions” proved too slow and sent us in a frenzy of changing plane tickets to Ketchikan. These guys are setting the internet on fire. Seriously, go back and read the last year of the internet you’ll see how no one could get there this fast, be this far ahead or sail against the might of Seymour Narrows – do you smell smoke? That’s the internet burning.

24 hours in and if feels like we’ve been watching that tracker for a week. With Team Elsie Piddock 40 miles ahead of the fleet (out of a 160 mile course – literally 25% ahead!), the next week looks like it’s about the fight for the steak knives… unless calamity strikes again. This is still anyone’s game.”

Signed sealed and delivered

Team Elsie Piddock are winning the R2AK in a F-25C

We value the high dedication of Team Elsie Piddock because we approach our chalkboard sign business the same way.  Every Chalk It Up Signs chalkboard gets signed sealed and delivered with one goal in mind…to be the best in high quality chalkboard art and customer satisfaction.  We are in it to win it.

…. now back to work (with one eye on the race tracker)…

Dave and the CIUS gang