Greetings to you all!  If you are like us, you are counting down the days till the last day of school but despite our rush for summer, we are so grateful to our daughter’s teachers this year and had the kids autograph a personalized teacher gift classroom chalkboard for not only their home room teacher but their music, French, P.E. teachers, librarian and counsellor. Whew!

The children got to name their classroom at the beginning of the school year and they chose “Cheesy Chai Lattes”.  Don’t ask me – ask a 10 year old.  It was fun to incorporate their class name into a design for an end of the year gift that they would like.  I got a lot of high fives from the kids after they signed the boards, so I think they were pleased.  We brought the chalkboards back to the studio for sealing so that each teacher can remember the kids in this class for eternity.  🙂  Dave drilled holes in each sign so they can be hung anywhere as well and the kids will present the gifts to all their teachers next Friday on the last day of school.

Teacher Gift Classroom Chalkboard, cheesy chai lattes, chalk it up signs, children, kids, home room, end of year gift

Chalk It Up Signs can make chalkboards for any occasion including teacher gift classroom chalkboards and for any venue.  Contact us today for more information on chalkboards for gifts or establishments.  We would love to help you create something memorable.

Okay, counting down….only five more days till we can turn off the alarm clock!

Mel, Dave and the CIUS gang